Acheter des avis Google : Soyez plus malin que ça !
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Acheter des avis Google : Soyez plus malin que ça !

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Google reviews
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[Actualisé le 29 février 2024]

En France, une fiche d'établissement affiche en moyenne 281 avis Google. Pour dépasser vos concurrents, acheter des avis Google est devenu tentant pour de nombreuses entreprises… Mais gare, cette pratique est strictement interdite par Google et par la loi. Risques, amendes, pénalités : les faux avis Google vous coûtent bien plus cher que ce qu’ils rapportent… On vous détaille pourquoi, ainsi que [.is--yellow-highlight]la méthode 100% légale pour booster ses avis Google sans les acheter[.is--yellow-highlight]. 

In brief

  • Acheter des avis peut entraîner le bannissement des fiches d'établissement de votre réseau par Google. 
  • As misleading advertising, buying false reviews is illegal and punishable by fine. 
  • Au lieu de les acheter, vous pouvez obtenir de vrais avis Google grâce au [.is--yellow-highlight]boost d’avis par Hey Pongo.[.is--yellow-highlight]

Fresh Burritos a boosté son marketing avec Hey Pongo : [.is--yellow-highlight]Écoutez ce qu'ils disent de nous ![.is--yellow-highlight]

Faux avis Google : vraie mauvaise idée

Les avis Google, c'est le meilleur moyen de booster le référencement Google d'une franchise. Grâce à ces avis clients, chacun de vos établissements apparaîtra en premier sur les pages de recherche (dans le local pack) et sur Google Maps. Mais pour cela, il vous faut beaucoup d'avis Google pour chaque unité. 

En France, une fiche d'établissement a en moyenne [.is--yellow-highlight]248 avis Google[.is--yellow-highlight] et une note de [.is--yellow-highlight]3,9 étoiles[.is--yellow-highlight]. 

Chez les enseignes utilisant Hey Pongo, c'est en moyenne [.is--yellow-highlight]581 avis Google[.is--yellow-highlight] et une note de [.is--yellow-highlight]4,46 étoiles[.is--yellow-highlight].)

N'achetez pas vos avis Google, faites confiance à Hey Pongo !

Achat d’avis Google : [.is--yellow-highlight]attention, arnaques[.is--yellow-highlight]

S’agissant d’une pratique illégale, beaucoup de sites vendant des avis Google sont en fait des arnaques. Beaucoup de commerçants ont payé les avis et n’ont rien reçu en retour. Les quelques sites qui livrent réellement des avis contre paiement (commeMediamister) ne travaillent pas avec la France et vendent très cher chaque avis Google, autour de 30€.

Buying starred Google reviews means paying a service provider to publish one or more positive reviews of your establishment. Fake reviews can also be negative, feeding your Google My Business page and generating bad buzz for a competitor.


[.is--yellow-highlight]Buying reviews isn't just about Google[.is--yellow-highlight]: you can also use them to manipulate your establishment's listing on Tripadvisor, Amazon, Facebook, PagesJaunes, Trustpilot, Lafourchette, Yelp...

The fact is, Google reviews are an extremely important criterion for your visibility on Google and therefore on the web. They help you appear on the search engine and win new customers.

  • 85% of consumers are influenced by online reviews of products or services (IFOP).

C’est notamment un critère de référencement local, pour apparaître en bonne position dans les résultats du « local pack ». Un grand nombre d’avis Google positifs vous permettra d'être très visible sur les pages de résultat :

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In general, having lots of Google reviews is a win-win situation:

  • It strengthens your e-reputation and online presence;
  • It gives your other customers confidence, through social proof;
  • It improves your ranking on Google (search pages and Google Maps).

(Pssst... How to buy Google reviews...)

No, we're just kidding. To understand the risk, you need to know how it works: first of all, it's no longer so easy to[.is--yellow-highlight]buy Google 5-star reviews[.is--yellow-highlight]. The search engine has cleaned up its act. It's blocking most of the "click farms" that used to generate reviews willy-nilly from IP addresses that were easy to spot. 

Once the click farms are out of the picture, there are still more qualitative suppliers selling French Google reviews. Claiming to be "undetectable", they operate via Google review buying sites. Prices for fake reviews range from €10 to €20.


The best-known freelance platforms (Fiverr, Comup...) have deactivated this type of service. All have banned the sale of fake Google reviews on their sites. It has become impossible to find such services on the most prominent freelance platforms.

[.is--yellow-highlight]Generate real Google reviews with Hey Pongo's tools:[.is--yellow-highlight]

Hey, a demo! 

Why are reviews essential?

Google reviews are an enormous business gas pedal for any company, whether just starting up or already established. Their positive effects are manifold: 

  • Improve conversion rates with positive reviews
  • Improve your Google Maps ranking
  • Improves Google Search ranking
  • Rapidly build credibility with Internet users
  • Knowing what your customers think
  • And don't forget: generating satisfaction and pleasure for the company that receives positive reviews!

Livre blanc - Comment avoir beaucoup plus d'avis google ?

Why you shouldn't buy Google reviews

1 - It's penalized by Google  

The first reason not to buy fake reviews on the web is that it defeats your main purpose. This type of fraud is tracked by Google and can result in a penalty if you are found to be behind it.

Google My Business reviews are considered contributions to Google Maps. Its rules, which can be consulted here, strictly prohibit misleading content. Under "artificial engagement", Google bans any review that does not follow a real test. This includes "payment, inducement or encouragement to publish content that does not represent a real experience".


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In general, Google imposes penalties on sites or physical businesses that manipulate their reviews. These penalties are sometimes invisible: they can permanently degrade your SEO ranking in the search engine's algorithms, to the point of making you invisible.


2 - Everyone will know

Fake Google reviews are recognizable a mile away. But why? Because they're illegal, and the companies selling them have no qualms about providing you with the lowest-quality reviews possible. And they don't worry about their reputation, because fake review platforms are regularly taken down, only to reappear under a different name. 

Results: fake Google reviews are easy to detect:

  • 50% of customers have already recognized fake reviews on Google.
  • 45% are wary of reviews on Google (70% on Facebook).


On the contrary: 

  • Over 60% of customers are willing to leave a review if asked (see how to ask below).

If you buy starred reviews, they will either be written by an AI, copied and pasted from other reviews, or written by a human at best. But in every case, it will be a paragraph of very poor quality, unrelated to your establishment and therefore easily detectable as a fake review. Many of these reviews are written mechanically, following a predictable pattern.

Even if Google doesn't remove the fake review, Internet users won't be fooled. They'll see that many reviews don't seem to come from a real experience. What's more, if you repeat the purchase, be aware that a high proportion of positive reviews is a source of mistrust. According to this IFOP study quoted by Forbes, 68% of customers don't trust an establishment that has only positive reviews.


3 - False Google reviews: legal penalties

The arsenal of tools and penalties for tracking down fake online reviews has recently been strengthened. In France, buying Google reviews exposes you to fines of up to €300,000.  

Fake reviews deceive consumers who wish to obtain information online. This is a "misleading commercial practice" under article 121-4 of the French Consumer Code.

Article 111.7.2 of the French Consumer Code also regulates the publication of online notices:

"Any company that publishes online reviews must provide users with fair, clear and transparent information on the publication and processing of online reviews".

In October 2021, a resounding decision by the DGCCRF fined Bistrobis €30,000 for buying and posting reviews online.

This law was reinforced by European Directive 2019/2161, known as the " Omnibus Directive ". Transposed into French law, it came into force on May 22, 2022. It toughens penalties for false notices, to 2 years' imprisonment and a €300,000 fine. It requires companies to check the reliability of the online reviews they publish. It must guarantee that the consumer who leaves a review "has actually used the product or service".

To enforce these laws, the government has developed a tool to track down fake reviews. Launched in June 2023, it is called Polygrapheexclusively available to the French fraud control authorities (DGCCRF). It is designed to detect fraudulent notices on a massive scale and facilitate the work of investigators.


4 - By buying fake reviews, you're missing the point

Real customer reviews are extremely valuable to a company. They add value to your work and give you access to a continuous customer feedback channel. You can use them to find out what you can improve and what you're doing better, in order to achieve a better customer experience. It's precisely by perfecting the customer experience that you'll get a lot more reviews in the long term. 


How Google fights fake reviews

Google perfectionne chaque année la détection automatique des faux avis. Il utilise pour cela des algorithmes complexes, du machine learning, de l’IA et un immense volume de données utilisateurs.

According to a Google spokesperson quoted here, "our automatic detection system analyzes hundreds of signals that could detect manipulation. It alerts to suspicious activity in the volume of reviews, or implausible user behavior."

Using machine learning, Google scans the millions of daily contributions made by Internet users to Google My Business listings on the web. Its AI is capable of easily detecting click farms that crudely post fake, automatically-written reviews.

The search engine is also capable of detecting more elaborate fake reviews, using geolocation. Google can find out whether certain users have been physically present at a business. If not, it can detect a possible fake review. These filters complicate large-scale automated generation, limiting the proliferation of this practice. In 2020, 55 million false Google reviews were sanctioned, blocked or deleted.  

En 2023, Google a annoncé avoir supprimé 170 millions de faux avis, ce qui représente une progression de +45% par rapport à l'année précédente. Il a aussi éliminé 12 millions de profils d'entreprises frauduleux. Son algorithme analyse les schémas d'avis sur le long terme, détectant les arrivées subites de nombreux avis 1 ou 5 étoiles sur une fiche d'établissement. 

Ne prenez aucun risque : faites appel à Hey Pongo pour booster vos avis de façon organique, en mobilisant vos vrais clients !


The 100% legal way to [.is--yellow-highlight]boost your Google reviews[.is--yellow-highlight]

Don't buy your Google reviews: it's so easy to generate real ones (from your customers) with Hey Pongo!!!!

Over 60% of customers are willing to leave a review when asked. Do more than just ask them: get them to play!

La méthode la plus efficace et 100% sécurisée pour avoir des centaines d'avis Google pour votre fiche d'établissement, rapidement et légalement, c'est la suivante :

La roue cadeaux Hey Pongo. 

Elle fonctionne grâce au mécanisme suivant :

[.is--yellow-highlight]Gamify the path between your customers and the publication of their Google review with a virtual gift wheel[.is--yellow-highlight]

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Les résultats : un boost d'avis instantané

It's simple: our customers have exploded their review counters!

  • Chez Madeleine restaurant has multiplied its Google reviews by 30, to total 3100+ reviews
  • La Fabrique cookie store gains +602 reviews in one month
  • e-commerce site collects +150 customer reviews in one month
  • Plantes Pour Tous urban garden centres gained 0.4 points on their Google rating
  • Car rental company Ucar posted +116% Google reviews in one month

Do as they do, don't buy Google reviews: boost your customer reviews naturally with Hey Pongo!

Here's how to do it in two steps:

1 - Create your [.is--yellow-highlight]virtual gift wheel[.is--yellow-highlight] to encourage ALL your customers to leave reviews

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Hey Pongo provides you with a virtual gift wheel in your own colors. We help you set it up (you can boost anything you want: Google reviews, but also Trustpilot reviews, Instagram or Facebook followers, etc.... ). 


With its gamified experience (and rewards), this gift wheel has extraordinary results for your Google reviews.

The principle is simple: before playing, customers are encouraged to leave a Google review. It's impossible not to turn it around! Every customer wants to try their luck: it's the most effective gamification mechanism of any medium. 

You can set the rewards, and the probability of victory associated with each. 

Bonus: by offering discounts (-10%, -5%, it's up to you) or free items, the gift wheel generates revisits and repeat purchases. 

2 - Distribute your [.is--yellow-highlight]virtual gift wheel[.is--yellow-highlight] wherever your customers are

Generate as many Google reviews as possible by displaying the gift wheel wherever your customers are. 

At the point of sale, in stores or restaurants, but also online and on social networks. 

Get all your customers to leave you reviews:

  • Social networks
  • QR Code printed on a customer-facing surface
  • SMS campaign
  • Website
  • In store
  • On a flyer
  • On a package or delivery bag
  • On a receipt
  • Automatic SMS
  • Emailing
  • Etc...


Our personalized consultants will help you choose the parameters of your gift wheel and the best distribution channels for your business sector. 

Vous voulez mettre en place une roue de cadeaux et booster vos avis Google, sans les acheter ?
Créez votre compte Hey Pongo, ou prenez rdv avec un de nos experts en avis Google !

Thanks to Hey Pongo, Cupkie multiplied its number of reviews by 20 in the space of two months, while increasing its average rating by +33%.


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Don't buy Google reviews: you can generate real customer reviews with Hey Pongo's tools. Do you want 100% natural, non-penalizable reviews? Make a date with Google's top rankings, request your demo today by clicking on this link:


[.is--yellow-highlight]Hey, a demo![.is--yellow-highlight]

Buying Google reviews: FAQ


Est-il possible d’acheter des avis Google ?

Techniquement, la réponse est oui : c’est possible, mais c’est illégal. Il existe des plateformes d’achat d’avis Google qui vendent (cher) des avis rédigés par des faux clients, ou par l’IA.

 En revanche, il faut absolument rappeler qu’il est illégal d'acheter des avis Google. La loi interdit l'achat d'avis, qu'ils soient positifs ou négatifs : c’est considéré comme de la publicité trompeuse. De plus, cela peut mettre en péril la réputation et la crédibilité de l'entreprise.

Google utilise son intelligence artificielle et le machine learning pour détecter les faux avis, ce qui peut entraîner des pénalités pour les sites web ou les commerces physiques qui manipulent leurs avis. Même si c’est possible, il est très fortement déconseillé d'acheter des avis Google.


Comment avoir des avis Google gratuitement ?

Rappelons tout d’abord qu’obtenir des avis Google gratuitement est la seule option que vous devez considérer, étant donné que l’achat d’avis est illégal et dangereux pour votre business.

Comment obtenir des avis Google de façon gratuite ? Tout d’abord, en maximisant la satisfaction client. C’est le levier qui vous garantit, à long terme, un grand volume d’avis authentiques et positifs !

Ensuite, des stratégies telles que la mise en place de programmes de fidélisation, la sollicitation d'avis après un achat ou l'utilisation d'outils de gestion d'avis peuvent aider à recueillir des avis Google de manière organique et conforme aux instructions de Google.


Comment Google traque les faux avis ?

Google utilise diverses méthodes pour traquer les faux avis en s'appuyant sur des algorithmes complexes, sur l'intelligence artificielle et sur le machine learning. La méthode exacte n’est pas rendue publique, pour éviter qu’elle soit contournée par les fraudeurs. On sait cependant que la géolocalisation peut être un signal fort de faux avis, si le client utilise la géolocalisation Google et qu’il ne s’est jamais rendu à proximité d’un commerce local pour lequel il a laissé un avis.

Autres motifs de détection des faux avis : les commentaires trop simples, trop agressifs (pour dénigrer un commerce) ou ne reflétant pas l’offre de service d’un établissement.

Enfin, le signalement manuel peut aider Google à détecter un faux avis et à le supprimer. Cette page officielle vous guide sur la procédure pour transmettre à Google une suspicion de faux avis.

Une chose est sûre, Google renforce régulièrement les moyens mis en œuvre pour traquer et pénaliser les faux avis. La législation européenne l’incite fortement en ce sens, pour responsabiliser la plateforme américaine et empêcher que de faux avis achetés nuisent à la bonne information des consommateurs.  


Qui peut enlever un avis Google ? 

C’est exclusivement Google qui a les capacités de supprimer les avis qui ne respectent pas les règles de la plateforme. Avant de demander le retrait ou la suppression d'un avis, il est important de consulter les règles relatives aux avis de Google.

Pour demander la suppression d'un avis inapproprié, il est possible de le signaler via Google Maps ou via sa fiche d’établissement Google. Cependant, il est essentiel de ne signaler que les avis qui ne respectent pas les règles de Google, et non pas les avis avec lesquels on n'est pas d'accord ou que l'on n'apprécie pas


Where can I buy Google reviews?

Buying Google reviews is punishable by both law and the search engine. It's not a good business practice at all! Consequently, it's impossible to say where to buy Google reviews. Especially as a site offering such services would be doomed to disappear...


What's the risk with fake Google reviews?

While the threat may not seem real to many, there are real risks involved in publishing or buying fake Google reviews! Considered a form of consumer deception, this practice is severely punished. The French Consumer Code provides for a maximum fine of €75,000 for a natural person, or €375,000 for a legal entity. In October 2021, an exemplary penalty of 30,000€ was applied to a catering company found guilty of buying fake reviews.


Future European regulations will increase penalties. They could rise to 2 years' imprisonment and up to 1.5 million euros in the event of a false notice system.


Finally, there's the risk of being penalized by Google. In the case of false reviews, the search engine can invisibly lower a site's ranking.


How does Google detect fake reviews?

Google uses its artificial intelligence and machine learning to detect fake reviews. It can thus identify suspicious signals among the millions of reviews published every day, such as an author leaving lots of reviews about places he or she has never been to, based on the geolocation of his or her Android phone.


Google can also detect an author leaving a large number of reviews with the same structure. In the event of suspicious activity, it can alert on a fake review and have it confirmed by one of its quality raters.


How to get lots of Google reviews?

The first tip for getting lots of Google reviews is to optimize customer satisfaction. Happy customers will tell others, including Google. There are 3 ways to encourage them to do so:

  • Complete your Google My Business listing
  • Ask customers directly to leave a review
  • Set up a competition to encourage people to leave a review.

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