
Hey Pongo will change your life

Capture, activate and retain your customers. All your customers. Without exception.

Dematerialized loyalty program

Turn your visitors into customers

...and turn your customers into loyal clients

Better than a stamp card, our dematerialized loyalty program pampers your customers with customized rewards. It's as simple as entering your customer's phone number into a tablet, and it takes just 10 seconds to reach them. Little by little, it enables you to generate your own qualified customer base, with information enriched with each visit.

They tested and approved

Customer events

Boost your Google reviews and Instagram followers

With a store contest in your colors

Hey Pongo helps you generate a virtual gift wheel that generates a maximum number of customer reviews on the platform of your choice. Google or Trustpilot reviews, Instagram or Facebook followers... Become highly visible on search pages and Google Maps by collecting more reviews than your competitors. Boost your online visibility and generate much more sales. 

Their victories speak for themselves

SMS Marketing

Keep your customers coming back with SMS

Instead of waiting for them to return

Thanks to your loyal customer base, follow-up with automated SMS messages based on pre-defined scenarios. VIP or at-risk customers, anniversaries... With our customer engagement platform, send the right message at the right time and generate maximum sales effortlessly. You can also plan targeted campaigns for the year's major and minor dates, or for new products.

Customer file

Stay independent

By taking control of your customer data

Customer data is crucial for any business. With the Hey Pongo loyalty program, you can collect enriched data and take control of your marketing in a simple, automated way.