icone staricone star

A modern and playful loyalty program

That turns every one of your visitors into a long-term relationship. And every long-term relationship, into revenue.
Tablet mockup
icone staricone star
4x more enrollment than a traditional loyalty program.
Your salespeople don't have to do a thing, everything is done autonomously.
An application that enhances your experience and delights your customers.

Validated by over 2,000 retailers

Countertop mockup
How does it works

Thanks to an autonomous and playful tablet on your counter.

Your customers register in just 10 seconds top chrono, and you don't have to do a thing.

No more stamp cards, a simple number does it.

Your customers enter their number to identify themselves (10 seconds tops!)
They collect and accumulate points to unlock rewards at your shop.
They answer questions to enrich and refine their customer profile: First name, birthday, email...

They tested and approved

Whatever your business!

icone etoile
icone etoile

You really have to stop with the stamp cards!

All your customers in one place

And all their data centralized.

Thanks to your loyalty program, you can collect data on your customers every day. As time goes on, get to know them (by heart) and segment your database to build a personalized relationship with each and every single one of them.

Customer data dashboard mockup


Gather and centralize data on your customers and know them by heart.

CRM User


Ask them questions to learn more about them and segment your database even further.

Mockup wheel survey


Send the right message, to the right person, at the right time. To make your relationship unique with each of them.

SMS notification mockup
Get started now

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