icone staricone star

Turn your missed calls into a goldmine!

We know, you don't always have time to answer your customers' calls.
You're busy, it's a rush! Hence, whatever, you miss that call, he'll call back. Except that in 80% of cases, he'll go and see the competition...
icone staricone star

Don't lose another customer ever again.

Automatically redirect them to the channel of your choice.
Website, online booking, Google Business Profile, Click&Collect, ... We automatically send an SMS with the link of your choice to customers left on voicemail. And you can fully customize your voicemail recording and the SMS sent.

How does it work?

Missed call mockup
icone valide
Your voicemail and the SMS sent after a missed call.
icone valide
The link of your choice, to redirect all your customers to the right place.
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Catch up
All the customers who haven't been able to reach you by automatically sending them your SMS!

They tested and approved

A backoffice to track your results in real time

You track the number of customers you've retained every day 👇
Mockup dashboard missed calls

Still doubting?

Call Alex, founder of Père et Fish and customer at Hey Pongo.
Call him (if he answers) 👇
Alex - Founder of Père et Fish