Wine merchants

Hey Pongo will change your life

Much more than a dematerialized loyalty program: capture, activate and re-engage all your customers!

Wine merchant
Dematerialized loyalty program

Offer your customers more than just a loyalty card

Bring them back - and drink the competition

Build lasting loyalty and commitment with every one of your customers. Hey Pongo is the best loyalty system for wine merchants! Express, frictionless enrolment, points accumulation, personalized rewards... Offer your customers an enriched experience that makes them want to commit.

They tested and approved

Google reviews

Become #1 on Google (for real)

By multiplying your number of customer reviews

Hey Pongo is also a gift wheel that boosts your number of Google reviews. Boost your customer reviews and climb the rankings of the best wine merchants on search engines. On a one-off or ongoing basis, we deploy your virtual gift wheel, accessible via a link or QR Code, to share with all your customers. Each time you launch it, we suggest an action: leave a Google review, but also an Instagram follow, a Trustpilot review... It's a win-win!

Their victories speak for themselves

SMS Marketing

Effortlessly re-engage your customers

97% of our SMS messages are read within 15 minutes

Send more effective SMS campaigns with your enriched customer file. Deliver the right message at the right time with our automated SMS messages, based on scenarios tailored to the needs of wine merchants: rewarded customers, at-risk customers, anniversaries, etc. Send targeted SMS campaigns for key moments in the year or according to your news, and track the sales generated.