Black Friday marketing: 3 strategies to prepare your store
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Black Friday marketing: 3 strategies to prepare your store

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How to implement the best marketing actions for Black Friday 2022? This date attracts a huge flow of customers, both in e-commerce and in physical stores. Regardless of the point of contact: for everyone, it's the start of Christmas shopping and bargain hunting.


[.is--yellow-highlight]What if it were your turn to enjoy it?[.is--yellow-highlight]


We'll show you how to make Black Friday a highly profitable time for your store, with profits spread over the whole year. Discover the most effective Black Friday actions thanks to hybrid marketing. Loyalty, SMS marketing and competitions: follow the guide!


Why is [.is--yellow-highlight]hybrid marketing[.is--yellow-highlight] the king of Black Friday?


It's wrong to say that we've copied Black Friday entirely from the Americans... We've added a special feature: here in France, Black Friday is as much online as it is physical

So it's slightly different from the USA, where the separation is, on paper, clearer between an in-store Black Friday and a 100% online Cyber Monday.

French Black Friday is therefore hybrid in nature. It's a highlight for all e-commerce sites, which continue the effort right through to Cyber Monday. This long weekend is also an opportunity to attract visitors to your site with real bargains (as opposed to the fake promotions that multiply on this date).  


But what is hybrid marketing?


For brands that get it, a hybrid marketing strategy is by far the most cost-effective way to celebrate Black Friday. This means offering customers the same high-quality experience, wherever they are.


This flexible, ubiquitous approach benefits all your channels. It strengthens both your physical and online touchpoints.


It's a complete and integrated method that you can put into action with the 3 examples of hybrid marketing strategy for Black Friday, within reach of all retailers thanks to Hey Pongo.




[.is--yellow-highlight]Drive-to-store[.is--yellow-highlight]: generate LOTS of in-store traffic with an SMS campaign


Black Friday, a day for impulse buying? Not really! On the contrary, it's a date your customers prepare for. Beforehand, they're asking around to find out where the best deals are. Take the initiative: it's up to you to communicate with your customer base about your promotions, offers and other Black Friday actions, by any means necessary! But especially by SMS, for maximum effectiveness.  


Don't have a customer database yet? Find out how to create your own with Hey Pongo


Why communicate via SMS for Black Friday?

Brands that have tried it know: this communication channel has incredible open and engagement rates. 97% of SMS messages are read within 15 minutes on average. Around 20% to 35% of recipients click on the links included in the messages.


When it comes to maximizing the engagement of an SMS campaign, there are two tricks that work every time: 

  • Include a time-limited event, creating a sense of urgency and FOMO* ;
  • Include a promotion limited to those who have received the SMS, which creates a sense of privilege.


As you can see, Black Friday is both: it's an event dedicated to promotions. So an SMS campaign really comes into its own on this date.  


Examples of Black Friday promotions by SMS


SMS marketing black friday
SMS marketing black friday



An SMS campaign is typically drive-to-store : it generates a lot of in-store traffic by picking up your customers where they are. Specially limited promotions are very effective. They're even more effective if you have a database of telephone numbers enriched with additional data.


Additional data from your customer base will enable you to segment mailings according to several criteria, such as preferred point of sale, consumer habits, age, gender or type of customer. In fact, don't hesitate to reserve your best offers for your loyal customers: they're the ones most likely to benefit from them!  


 I want to try: launch my first SMS campaign with Hey Pongo

[.is--yellow-highlight]Loyalty[.is--yellow-highlight]: enroll as many shoppers as possible in your online loyalty program


Black Friday means a guaranteed spike in footfall for participating physical stores. It's usually a very temporary boost, linked to good deals and special offers. How can we smooth out this peak and ensure that it continues to bear fruit all year round? By offering engagement and retention opportunities to these one-day customers.


The best way to do this is with a loyalty program. It can capture a large proportion of your visitors, as long as it's fun and its benefits are directly perceptible.


That's how you'll manage to enroll between 30% and 70% of your Black Friday clientele, just like some of the merchants who put their trust in us!


With Hey Pongo, enrolment is so light that the customer does it himself (without slowing down your cash flow).


loyalty Black Friday Hey Pongo
Hey Pongo loyalty program interface, customer side


How likely is it that this will work with one-day customers? It's pretty high! In fact, Plantes pour Tous offers Hey Pongo customer loyalty at its ephemeral events in every town in France - with disproportionately high results.


Find out how Plantes pour tous enrolled over 11k customers in its loyalty program.



The benefits of an online loyalty program

With Black Friday, you can boost the number of people enrolled in your loyalty program. In the long term, loyalty will enable you to achieve much greater customer engagement and retention. Online, it enables you to collect enriched customer data that can be activated by different marketing channels. 

A loyal customer base brings countless benefits: it's a point of contact for omnichannel marketing and SMS campaigns. It also means a direct increase in footfall and average shopping basket. This is the experience of the Côme restaurant chain, where 20% of the most loyal customers (the "VIPs") generate 80% of sales.



[.is--yellow-highlight]Contest[.is--yellow-highlight]: submit your wheel of Black Friday good deals, to be spun online and in store


Here's the latest hybrid marketing strategy, totally in the spirit of Black Friday! It involves offering your customers a weekend competition in the form of a spinning gift wheel. This Black Friday action can of course be accessed via all your channels, in physical stores and online.

In your physical point of sale, you can offer a QR code to scan, from your counter or on in-store posters. All visitors can participate, even if they haven't made a purchase! Each time they participate, you learn a little more about them and build up a customer base.


Online, you can distribute this wheel of Black Friday good deals on all your dematerialized channels: social networks, website, SMS campaign, newsletter... You set the rules: with each participation, you collect customer data, an extra follower... And possibly a customer review! That's what Cupkie tried: with Hey Pongo, he was able to generate 20 times more customer reviews than usual over a 2-month period.

Your Black Friday gift wheel is fully configurable: you can offer your special offers, gifts and goodies, each with its own percentage of probability. Black Friday is the perfect time for this! Your customers are on the lookout for good deals. By offering this competition online and in-store, you can double the number of potential participants, which could well boost your customer base!



[.is--yellow-highlight]What's with the gift wheel?[.is--yellow-highlight]

It's the Booster, a competition game developed by Hey Pongo. This online gift wheel is fully customizable and can be personalized to your colors.


Playable online on a phone, tablet or computer, it's accessed via a link, a QR code to scan, a button, a click in an Instagram story or in bio...


To spin the wheel, you need to leave your 06 or your email address, or both. You can add the step of your choice as a condition: leave a review online, follow you on Instagram... In exchange, you offer different gifts, each with its own percentage of probability. Some spins of the wheel can be used to win discount vouchers or free gifts, generating sales and usage at your points of sale.



I want to put a gift wheel on for Black Friday too
Hey, a demo!


* FOMO = "Fear of missing out".


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