How to acquire and retain restaurant customers
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How to acquire and retain restaurant customers

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Prepare now for the post-opening period to maintain your customer flow over the long term!

May 19 was associated with a massive return of the French to restaurants, brasseries and cafés. A great deal has been at stake in the first few weeks, and it won't be long before we can take stock of the recovery, footfall and financial impact. 

While customers have been very present from the outset, it's essential to prepare for the aftermath effectively and think long-term, using a number of levers.

TastyCloud & Pongo share some tips and suggestions with you right now:

Over the past few months, digital technology has taken on a predominant role in consumer habits. Linked to the health crisis, consumers appreciate digital tools for the simple, modern and reassuring customer experience they offer. 

From consultation to payment, contactless now plays a major role in customer acquisition. 

Do you know all the benefits of the QR code menu for your customers and teams?

  • A reassuring tool instantly accessible from any smartphone
  • Autonomy and time-saving for customers: everyone consults, orders and pays at their own convenience 
  • 1-click access to the latest menu! No unpleasant surprises on available dishes

  • Optimize each service with more orders: 15% increase in Average Ticket thanks to complete descriptions and quality visuals
  • A steady flow of customers thanks to improved table rotation 
  • Faster, frictionless service: your teams have found invaluable help, saving an average of 15 minutes on service!
TastyCloud QR code menu

It's worth noting that 66% of French people approve of the QR code menu when returning to the restaurant, so it's hard to ignore it before June 9...

Any tips on how to make the most of this tool?

  • Brief your staff on this tool: the QR code menu is their ally during service, and will get the job done!
  • Place the stickers on all the tables and in strategic places in your establishment, in full view of your customers!
  • Explain to less "connected" customers how to use the QR code in two words: "Madam, Sir, you can take advantage of our contactless route by flashing our QR code to consult our menu, order our dishes and drinks and pay on time".

Tastycloud interface
Without further ado, create your free QR menu in 5 minutes Top Chrono here

Now you've got your customers back! 

But who are they? New customers? Old regulars happy to find you at last? Random customers who couldn't find a seat on the terrace next door?

It's hard to keep track!

The craze is sure to last for some time yet, but as we all know, the French are demanding, and they're currently in the process of recreating their habits for the months ahead.

What will be their future favorite restaurants? What's the new HQ for work lunches? Which spot for the next afterworks? 

Now is the time to capitalize on your customers and build loyalty!

Creating a loyalty program and getting to know your customers will enable you to recreate that unique long-term bond with them, so that they never forget you again...

TOP 5 key steps to re-loyalize your customer base today :

Pongo loyalty program

1. Set up your dematerialized loyalty system

Thanks to your dematerialized restaurant loyalty card, your customers will re-engage with your establishment. They'll be encouraged to return regularly to collect points and earn rewards.

2. Qualify customer data

By getting to know your customers in a simple and entertaining way, you'll enrich your database and soon know them inside out.

3. Centralize customer data to identify your "ambassadors

With an overview of your customer base, you'll be able to better understand who your most loyal customers are. You'll be able to pay special attention to them and rely on them as real ambassadors (asking them for structuring information when they come to the point of sale, soliciting their opinions on platforms, etc.).

Pongo customer dashboard

4. Maintain a privileged relationship with your customers

With all this information gathered, targeted communication becomes child's play!

Not every customer is sensitive to the same things... They're not the same age, they don't come to you for the same reasons, or they don't consume the same products. 

The good news is that now you know, you can communicate with them in a personalized, consistent and effective way via SMS campaigns.

5. Automate your SMS campaigns to save time and keep your customers coming back

Now that you've won back the hearts of your customers, activate automated SMS campaigns to beckon them at just the right moments: on their birthday, for example, to take advantage of a discount or a free dessert!

A few reminders: 

  • As a reminder, 66% of consumers expect a digital menu when they reopen, so it's imperative to take these new uses into account if you're not on the subject!

          Improve your service now, and your customers will appreciate it even more if you offer a loyalty program.

  • 43% of restaurateurs want to invest more in loyalty in 2021!
  • 46% of restaurateurs use direct mail to communicate with their customers, compared with 39% who use SMS. What a pity... Because :

          → 20% of e-mails are read, compared with 98% of SMS messages

          → 95% of SMS messages received are read within 3 minutes of receipt

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Take two minutes to answer two questions and share with your colleagues some points to follow closely and difficulties encountered.

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