How to target your SMS campaigns
H2 Example

How to target your SMS campaigns

SMS is the best way to send personalized messages directly into your customers' pockets. A proximity channel with an open rate of 98%, it's all the more effective when you can target recipients precisely... With the right degree of personalization, messages are more effective in achieving their goals, especially when it's a question of building customer loyalty to your store or restaurant around what makes you special. 


The importance of a well-targeted SMS campaign


When planning a text marketing campaign, the most common mistake is to try to send the same SMS to all your customers... We guarantee you, it's impossible to fit so many people into a single 160-character message! Overly generic approaches are doomed to failure: by addressing everyone, you end up talking to no one...


On the contrary, the recipe for a successful SMS campaign is to segment your base. Delivering the right SMS to the right recipient is the secret to getting your message across. The idea is to frame your text message according to a number of demographic and behavioral criteria. The advantage is that recipients will feel concerned by the tone of the message and its content. On the contrary, messages that are poorly targeted and too general increase the risk of database churn.


How to segment your customer database for a business


From collecting customer data...


To segment properly, it's essential to have the right data at hand. It all comes down to collecting personal information when your customers sign up - voluntarily, of course - for your loyalty program. For this purpose, Pongo has developed a fun and attractive way of using tablets at points of sale (restaurants or shops). They enable you to effortlessly build up a complete customer database based on several demographic criteria.


This initial data will be supplemented over time by behavioral data : how many times a customer has been to the restaurant or store, what their average shopping basket is, etc... segmentation


Once the database has been built, it's vital to have the right tools to segment your database. Supplied by your loyalty partner, they are used to accurately segment the database on the basis of demographic criteria (girl/boy, age...) and contextual information (number of visits to your premises in the last month). By cross-referencing these data, you'll obtain highly accurate "segments", essential to the success of your SMS campaign.


Better-tuned SMS to reach customers differently


In an SMS marketing campaign, a large number of actions are possible to build customer loyalty through targeted text messages. There are plenty of creative ways to reach your customers!


For example, an effective tactic is to segment SMS messages according to the behavior of your customers. You can distinguish 3 profiles to target differently, namely :

- at-risk" customers, who have only been to your premises once;

- one-offs, who come 1 to 3 times a month ;

- VIPs, who visit you 3 times or more.


For each one, you'll be able to deploy SMS messages with differentiated and attractive offers, depending on their attachment to your shop/restaurant. A common goal: to gradually build loyalty and reward your VIP customers with small tokens of appreciation or beautiful gifts. A highly effective method for building up an irreducible core of loyal customers!


And it works! On average, for managers who have placed their trust in Pongosales have risen by between +10% and +25%. Would you like to know more about the secrets of a customer loyalty database? Don't hesitate to contact us to put data to work for your growth!

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