SMS campaign: How to launch your own!
H2 Example

SMS campaign: How to launch your own!

Use the most direct and effective channel between you and your customers with an SMS campaign! With interaction rates of between 20% and 60%, SMS has incredible statistics. Quite simply, it's the best direct marketing channel, whether for customer acquisition, loyalty or follow-up.


The quality of your customer base is crucial to the success of your SMS campaign. Discover the other success factors, 20 examples of SMS campaigns that work, and how to launch your own mass mailing, with a tutorial on the Hey Pongo platform.


free SMS campaign


SMS campaigns: the most telling [.is--yellow-highlight]statistics[.is--yellow-highlight].


  • 97% of SMS messages are read within 15 minutes of receipt*.
  • 20% to 35% of recipients click on the link in the SMS
  • For Hey Pongo campaigns, SMS generates up to 60% conversion!
  • With Hey Pongo, [.is--yellow-highlight]every euro invested in SMS generates €30 in sales[.is--yellow-highlight].
  • Among customers who accept to receive SMS messages, 47% have made a purchase following a text message in the last 30 days.
  • 96% of marketers believe SMS campaigns enable them to generate more revenue
  • 58% report a direct impact on customer retention and engagement after launching a campaign


[.is--yellow-highlight]SMS marketing[.is--yellow-highlight]: 7 successful strategies 


The SMS Marketing strategies below are universal! Some are particularly suited to local businesses, restaurants and shops. But most of them also work for a website that wants more customers, a retailer, a service provider, a SaaS provider, a B2B provider, etc...


It's simple: if you want to find more customers or retain existing ones, at least 4 of the strategies below should apply to you.

All 7 strategies have one thing in common: the quality of your phone number base is essential to reach your target. Far more important than the number of lines, it's the richness of your customer data that will make your SMS campaigns a success. Visit frequency, consumer preferences, demographic data, birthday... Having a base enriched with this information will give your SMS strategy incredible profitability.


7 SMS marketing strategies

  • Attract customers with promotions and discounts
  • Build loyalty with personalized SMS messages
  • Fill your shop when it opens
  • Boost event attendance
  • Automatically relaunch dormant customers with contextual SMS messages
  • Boost your traffic on off-peak days or during off-peak hours
  • Generate maximum customer reviews with a targeted campaign



How to relaunch a customer by SMS

Reviving a customer by SMS is often a highly sought-after automated marketing lever. The key is to find the right words and the right hook. To do this, you'll need an enriched customer database to know where they are in their customer journey. Once you've chosen the right catchphrase, you can easily automate follow-ups with Hey Pongo's SMS sending tool.


Is it at the prospect stage? Has it already had a point-of-sale visit? Is it an ex-VIP customer who's stopped coming? Customer typology (prospect, dormant customer, lost customer...) enables you to follow up much more effectively, by contextualizing the message according to the customer's qualification.

For example, for one-time customers, SMS reminders can focus on the quality of your products or services, and the benefits of your loyalty program.  

Has a customer stopped coming? An SMS with a reward can unlock a return to the store and boost your customer loyalty. Below, discover our examples of messages to encourage a customer to return.



SMS campaigns: 20 examples of messages to attract customers   


To illustrate the effectiveness of SMS, what better way than with examples of SMS campaigns! All these messages were actually sent by Hey Pongo customers, and generated sales well in excess of the amount invested (an average of €30 in sales for €1). 

Examples of messages with [.is--yellow-highlight]promos, discounts or gifts[.is--yellow-highlight]


SMS reminder example

SMS reminder example


SMS reminder example

SMS reminder example

Messages for [.is--yellow-highlight]restarting a lost customer[.is--yellow-highlight].


SMS reminder example

example of a message to follow up a customer

example of a message to follow up a customer

example of a message to follow up a customer


Contextual messages for [.is--yellow-highlight]key dates[.is--yellow-highlight] of the year


example of an SMS campaign


example of an SMS campaign

example of an SMS campaign

example of an SMS campaign

Messages for a [.is--yellow-highlight]new product opening or launch[.is--yellow-highlight].


sample restaurant opening message

sample restaurant opening message

sample restaurant opening message

sample restaurant opening message


Messages to [.is--yellow-highlight]boost your off-peak hours[.is--yellow-highlight]


example off-peak boost message

example off-peak boost message

example off-peak boost message

example off-peak boost message


How much does an SMS campaign cost?


The price of your SMS campaign is highly variable! It generally ranges from €0.05 to €0.15 per message sent. The final price depends on several factors, including the SMS campaign platform.


The most important is the quality of the database segmentation. We can also mention the platform's ergonomics, and the ease with which you can manage your contacts. Hey Pongo, for example, offers simple ergonomics for segmenting your SMS campaign according to several criteria:



Next, the SMS campaign platform's additional services: do you have a dashboard that lets you evaluate your return on investment? Do we help you with examples of SMS that work for your sector and your objectives? Our SMS marketing experts make all the difference: they help you find tried and tested methods that boost message conversion rates and boost your ROI.


In fact, return on investment is probably the best criterion for determining your SMS campaign budget. On average, our customers generate €30 in sales for every euro invested in SMS!


SMS demo campaign




How to create your first campaign in 5 minutes?


It's easy to launch your first SMS campaign! It's as simple as creating your Hey Pongo account. Import your numbers, target your recipients and validate your message: all it takes is a few minutes to activate the leverage of SMS marketing.


[.is--yellow-highlight]Your first free SMS campaign![.is--yellow-highlight]


To test our SMS campaign platform, Hey Pongo is offering you up to 300 free SMS messages with no commitment!

To obtain them, turn the wheel by clicking on the gift-shaped icon at the bottom right of the page!



Already have a list of telephone numbers? You can import it into your customer database using the steps below. If not, go to " What if I don't have a list of telephone numbers?


Create your Hey Pongo account

Click on the "Create my account" button at the top right of the screen. 

SMS campaign tuto

Enter the requested information.

SMS campaign tuto

Import your list of telephone numbers


Once you've created your Hey Pongo account, click on "Customers" in the left-hand column.

SMS campaign tuto

Click on "Add a customer" in the top right-hand corner.

SMS campaign tuto


At the very bottom, click on "Import your customers from a file".

SMS campaign tuto



Create your SMS campaign


Click on SMS Campaigns in the left-hand column.


SMS campaign tuto

Then click on Create a campaign.


SMS campaign tuto


Define your SMS campaign target


This is a crucial step: you'll be defining who your SMS messages will be sent to. Hey Pongo lets you create an enriched database, allowing you to set a large number of sending parameters.


Instead of launching a random SMS campaign, you can segment your base according to the following criteria:

- point of contact with the customer (where did he meet you?)

- type

- age

- preferred sales channel

- type of customer (occasional, regular, lost, VIP...)...


SMS campaign tuto


At any time, on the right, you can see how many people match all these criteria.

To find out more: read the article "How to target your SMS campaigns" link.


SMS campaign tuto


Write your SMS message


You can then write the content of your SMS message (145 characters max).


SMS campaign tuto


You can take inspiration from the examples above, or consult SMS templates to suit your purpose:


SMS campaign tuto


Then preview your SMS and validate the sending of the campaign at the chosen time and day.

To find out more: read the article " When is the best time to send an SMS campaign?

[.is--yellow-highlight]What if I don't have a list of phone numbers?[.is--yellow-highlight]


Hey Pongo offers you the most effective tools for building your customer base in just a few days! Whatever your sales channel, enroll a maximum number of customers thanks to a gamified loyalty program and a highly captivating gift wheel.


Do you have a physical point of sale (store, restaurant, hair salon...)?


Hey Pongo's loyalty program enables you to enroll most of your customers. The first interaction is extremely fun, and captures the phone number. Over the course of several visits, collect advanced customer data.


Read more :

The Hey Pongo loyalty program


Do you have a website with traffic?


Convert website visitors into your customer database automatically with the Booster. This gift wheel enables you to collect telephone numbers for SMS campaigns.


If you have an e-commerce site, you can also integrate our online loyalty program. With every purchase, your customers earn points and unlock rewards. In addition to building loyalty, you collect enriched customer data for your automated marketing campaigns.


Read more :

The Hey Pongo gift wheel

The Hey Pongo loyalty program


Do you have an audience on your social networks?


Convert your Instagram, Facebook and TikTok subscribers into a customer base and activate them with an SMS campaign. To do this, you can offer the Booster, a gift wheel, to be distributed on your social networks (in an Instagram story, for example). This gift wheel enables you to collect telephone numbers, so you can launch SMS campaigns.


Read more :

The Hey Pongo gift wheel

SMS campaign FAQs


How do I run an SMS campaign?


Launching your first SMS campaign is very simple. All you need are two essential elements:

  • A customer database with telephone numbers;
  • An account on a text messaging service (like Hey Pongo).


Then, to make your first SMS campaign, here are the essential steps:

  • Define the campaign objective ;
  • Segment your customer base ;
  • Write the message ;
  • Insert legal notice (STOP SMS to ...) ;
  • Respect the legal dispatch times;
  • Schedule shipment.



How do I program automatic SMS messages?


With Hey Pongo, you can program automatic SMS messages that are triggered by predetermined events. For example:

  • When a customer pays
  • When a customer joins your loyalty program
  • When a customer has not visited us for 3 months
  • When a customer has just won a reward
  • When a customer has left you a missed call
  • Etc...


To activate automatic text messaging, simply log into your Hey Pongo dashboard, then click on "Automated Marketing" in the left-hand column. You can then activate the automatic messages you want.



Can I use SMS templates for my campaigns?


Yes, Hey Pongo offers you several SMS templates to maximize the effectiveness of your next campaigns. For example, you can use our SMS templates for :

  • Invite your customers to an event
  • Announcing your new loyalty program
  • Announce the arrival of new products
  • Highlighting content for customers
  • Advertise a one-off promotion
  • Celebrate your birthday with your customers
  • Follow up a lost customer
  • Boost your traffic during off-peak hours
  • Etc...


Simply create a new campaign, then select one of the SMS campaign templates displayed.


What is the maximum length of an SMS?


The maximum length of an SMS sent with Hey Pongo is 145 characters.


How long does it take to receive an SMS?


SMS reception is instantaneous.

When is the best time for an SMS campaign?


The ideal time to send your SMS depends above all on your business sector. As a reminder, French law forbids sending promotional SMS messages between 8.30pm and 8am.


For restaurants, the periods from 11:00 to 11:30 and from 17:30 to 18:30 are preferred. For stores, convenience stores or service businesses, the ideal time slot depends on what you offer. You can test different times and improve on the basis of feedback!


Above all, the best time to send an SMS depends on certain events, or the recipient's behavior. Birthdays, key days of the year, first interaction with a loyalty program, reaching a points milestone, etc. With a rich customer base, you can program yourSMS according to these events and achieve maximum efficiency.


How to run a free SMS campaign?


It's easy to send your first batch of free SMS advertising. Hey Pongo offers you up to 1000 SMS to launch your first free SMS campaign! With no obligation, you can test the sending features and send your message to up to 1,000 contacts in your customer base.


Click on the link above to create your first SMS campaign on Hey Pongo :


Free SMS campaign


How to write a typical SMS?


The Hey Pongo SMS platform makes it easy. You can create your own SMS messages, using our examples and personalized advice from our experts. You can then see how they look on your phone screen! The best SMS messages are written in context. To avoid overly generic messages, it's best to segment your base. At Hey Pongo, you can create several SMS templates based on customer behavior, or for key events in the year.



How much does an SMS campaign cost for 200 people?


The budget for an SMS campaign is highly variable. It depends on the volume sent, the quality of the platform's options, the possibility of segmenting the base...


The price of an SMS campaign is generally between €0.05 and €0.20 per text message. For 200 people, this gives a total cost of €10 to €40.


That said, the cheapest campaigns are not the most profitable! The most important thing is not the cost, but the return on investment. A good SMS campaign provider will offer you support and monitoring of results, as well as examples of SMS campaigns that work in your sector. A quality SMS campaign costs at least €0.07 per message, or €14 for 200 people.


With Hey Pongo, your SMS campaign for 200 people is free:

Spin the wheel to win it!



Why choose SMS marketing?


SMS marketing is now much more effective than email marketing. Its open rate is 95%! SMS messages are much more memorable and interactive. Up to 60% of recipients click on the link in your SMS, with Hey Pongo. These incredible stats make it the most powerful of all B2B and B2C marketing levers.



What's the advantage of SMS?


SMS is a direct channel between you and your customers. The advantage is that you always have the phone close at hand. This means of communication is less saturated: up to 97% of SMS messages are read within 15 minutes of receipt. Texting is also more engaging: among customers who accept to receive SMS messages, 47% have made a purchase following a text message in the last 30 days. It's a communication channel that's both inexpensive and effective.



What's the difference between a text message and an SMS?


No, it's the same thing. SMS stands for "Short Message Service". Texto is a more informal term that's falling into disuse (isn't it?). They both refer to a text message sent to a telephone.

* Statistics collected by Attentive

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